
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lessons from Israk and Mikraj

Friday Sermon

25 July 2008 / 22 Rejab 1429

Lessons from Israk and Mikraj

Dearest brothers, may you be blessed by Allah,

Let us strive to increase our taqwa to Allah. Fulfill all our duties and responsibilities. Increase our taqwa with the trust and confidence that when we fulfill our duties, we will be blessed with a successful life both in this world and the hereafter.

My respected brothers,

Let us listen to the first verse of Surah al-Israk:

Which means : “Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who hear and see (all things).”

We are still in this blessed month of Rejab. There was a very important event that took place to the Holy Prophet s.a.w. in this month; the event of Israk and Mikraj. Through this event, the five daily prayers were made an obligation upon all Muslims. Israk is the night journey of the Holy Prophet s.a.w. from Masjidil Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa. Mikraj was his ascension from Masjidil al-Aqsa to the highest heavens. The journey is to become a miraculous event that was bestowed solely upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. He was given the sole privilege to meet Allah s.w.t at the Sidratil Muntaha, a place never reached by man nor any angel before him.

It is through this miraculous journey that Allah emphasises further His revelations and teachings to the Prophet, and that what the Prophet teaches and says all come from Allah s.w.t. Allah S.W.T says in Surah an-Najm verse 1-4:

Which means: “By the Star when it goes down. Your Companion (i.e. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) is neither astray nor being misled. Nor does he speak out of desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him.”

My dear brothers,

This event occured on the night of 27 Rejab, a year before the Hijrah. This event has many important lessons for us, for those who love Allah s.w.t. and His beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

First is that this epic journey showed the honourable status of the Holy Prophet s.a.w. and how Allah s.w.t. comforted the Prophet and gave him hope to continue with his mission for the sake of Allah s.w.t.

The event took place very soon after the demise of two important persons in the life of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.; his beloved wife, Sayyidatina Khadijah r.a. and his uncle, Abu Talib. Both his wife and uncle were pivotal in supporting the Holy Prophet s.a.w. and reassuring him when he first started out his dakwah efforts. Their departure certainly meant a big loss for the Prophet, especially considering the circumstances of the time. The year of their departure was later known as ‘Aamul Huzn or the Year of Sorrow. Even so, the Prophet continued with his mission, but met with fierce rejection, especially from the people of Taif.

In light of all these events, the journey of Israk Mikraj was crucial to bring back hope and reassurance to the Holy Prophet s.a.w. as how Allah s.w.t. has arranged for him. It was after this journey that the Prophet s.a.w. succeeded, time and again, to do his dakwah. The Prophet’s grit and determination, and patience and resilience, also made him successful.

My dear brothers, likewise in our lives, we will encounter tests and tribulations. But we will only succeed if we are patient and remain resilient when we face challenges. InshaAllah, that way, we will be blessed with glad tidings and success in what we do.

After the event of Israk and Mikraj, the Holy Prophet s.a.w. was given the permission by Allah to migrate to Yathrib. As we know, the Hijrah opened a new chapter of successes in the history of Islam.

Hence, let us always beautify ourselves with the noble value of sabr (patience) and resilience to continue trying and do good, and to never give up in all the good things that we want to do. InshaAllah, we will be blessed by Allah s.w.t. to attain higher achievements Amin.

My dear brothers,

Another important lesson from Israk and Mikraj is the obligation of daily prayers upon the ummah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Prayers will strengthen our Muslim identity. Through solah (prayers), we will be trained to carry good moral behaviour and noble virtues in us. Those who perform the prayers are actually distancing themselves from all bad things and bad character and values.

As such, we must be thankful to Allah s.w.t. for blessing us with the duty to pray. In fact, prayers are very important. That is why it was only revealed as a duty to Muslims during the Prophet’s ascension to the heavens. In fact, at the highest point, the Sidratil Muntaha. Allah wants each and every one of us to pray. That is why, out of His mercy, He reduced it to five times instead of fifty, but still rewards us with fifty prayers.

To ensure that we can pray, Islam simplifies many things for us. The prayers are part of our responsibilities as Muslims. Do not neglect this duty. Do not be irresponsible. It is for this that Allah s.w.t. prepares severe punishment for those who neglect such duties.

My dear brothers,

In this journey of the Prophet, he was also shown several punishments for those who went against the guidance of Allah s.w.t. Those who neglect their prayers, those who did not pay the zakat, those who fornicate, those who eat the property of the orphans, those who were not trustworthy and many others.

Those were very severe punishments. Punishments that none of us at all would ever want to go through nor can we bear. But this is exactly where the mercy and rahmah of Allah is. Though He punishes, but He informs the ummah of the Prophet s.a.w. well in advance. This is to deter us. This is to prevent us. This is to protect us. So that we may take heed. So that we will do our duties. So that we will be responsible individuals. So that we will not be punished for being neglectful.

Hopefully, when we fulfill all our duties, and we perform our prayers, and we remain patient and resilient in facing challenges, Insya Allah, we will become among those who will succeed both in this world and the hereafter, Amin Ya Rabbal Aalamin.

Source: Friday Sermon

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